Master Alex Zi was in the field of Feng Shui Education and Chinese Metaphysics Culture Promotion for more than three decades. He has been teaching in various parts of the world, including China, Macau, Taiwan, Los Angeles, New York, and of course, Hong Kong. His expertise was on Royal Ultimate Numerology Systems (RUNS), which is a system that could accurately calculate and predict one’s fortune through life, character, relationship, and of course, financial status.

Master Alex Li was born in the 70s. He has studied in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and City University of Hong Kong (CityU). Three scholarships has been received in his study life.

Prior to current business in Hong Kong, Master Alex has been the CEO of the Los Angeles Branch of an International Corporation. It was all about fate that he met two Grandmasters during his stay in the states, and was well taught in all fields in Metaphysics, including Feng Shui (Chinese Physiognomy), Fortune Telling, Hidden Calculations of Fate and most importantly, Royal Ultima Numerology System (RUNS).

Since then, he started his education career and provides help to not only Chinese residence in the US, but also enlightened the destined locals of all race.

Being immensely shone under the Star of Tian Yi (Chiron), Master Alex has decided to fully devote himself into Metaphysics and has thus given up his very well-paid job in the states to return to Hong Kong for the sake of making the best out of his knowledge of the metaphysical universe, i.e. Qian Qun (Alpha and Omega), to promote a better world for everyone to live in.



  1. The Consulate General of the Philippines in Hong Kong is one of the clients of Master Alex Zi.
  2. Before being a full time professional Feng Shui Master, Alex was the CEO in North America of a multinational group.
  3. Study metaphysics for more than 30 years, Master Alex Zi also teach a lot. There are more than 3,000 students in Asia, learning Four Pillars of Destiny、I-Ching、Flying Stars Feng Shui、Ba Gua Feng Shui、Ba Zhai (Eight Mansions) Feng Shui、Dragon Gate Eight Formation Feng Shui、Qi Men Dun Jia、Date Selection、Chinese Palmistry、Chinese Face Reading and Royal Ultima Numerology System etc, from Master Alex Zi. Hundreds of lectures, seminars and courses was help by Master Alex Zi in Hong Kong、Macau、mainland China、Taiwan and North America.
  4. The founder of Huang Ji Numerology System and the President of Huang Ji Numerology Good Luck Association.
  5. Guest host invited by Guangdong TV station、Cable television of HK、Metro information station FM99.7、、9G Radio、a1c1 Radio、purple to have mysterious and ibhk.
  6. A Feng Shui Article writer to the Hong Kong Beauty Professional magazine and Megalife magazine.
  7. Speaker of the Australia Feng Shui study, conducted at The Excelsior Hotel of Hong Kong, invited by Raeon International.
  8. Feng Shui Speaker of the Resident Club of Vista Paradiso、Metro Town、Oscar by the Sea、Coastal Skyline and LOHAS Park.
    1. “皇極密碼”- 手機風水學,是大師最受歡迎的課程。只從你的手提電話號碼,便可批算出你的感情、事業、家庭、健康及財富,學生遍給美加、香港、大陸、台灣、澳門。
    2. 皇極密碼(手機風水學),運用最簡單的數字磁場,助你改運、昇運。
    3. 皇極神數批命(鐵版神數至尊),能準確批算一生運程起伏,助你未雨綢繆、催吉避凶。
    4. 風水佈局,助你家庭、事業圓滿,丁財兩旺。
    5. 奇門遁甲,乃古代帝王之學,能起死回生,轉敗為勝。
    6. 靈動神卦(古易占筮),助你洞悉先機,運籌帷幄,決勝千里之外。
    7. 擇日催吉, 助你錦上添花。
    8. 改好名,行大運。
    9. 消災化煞,助你化解凶煞,逃出低谷,步入豐盛的康莊大道。

