The three most crucial elements that have the most effects in traditional Feng Shui are “XING,” “QI,” and “RI.”
All the internal and external elements have been included in “XING”. External components include your precise location as well as any surrounding mountains, oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, swimming pools, buildings that will be treated as mountains, roads that will be treated as virtual rivers, bridges, parks, and other community information. Internal factors include your home’s architecture, front and back yards, swimming pool, garage, conservatory, sunroom, entrance hall, kitchen, pantry, storage room, bathroom, stair, bedroom, walk-in closet, home office, laundry room, game room, gym, home theater room, music room, utility room, basement, attic, balcony, library, and wine cellar, among other things.
The numerical calculation of various “QI” is what determines “QI,” which includes Later Heaven “Bagua” Flying Stars, Building Construction Flying Stars, Current 20 Years Section Flying Stars, Mountain Side Flying Stars, Facing Direction Flying Stars, Current Yearly Flying Stars, and Current Monthly Flying Stars, among others.

The fortunate time and date for “RI” are dependent on your own time and date of birth. If you need to move into a new house, have a grand opening for your business, get married, sign a contract, get surgery, file a lawsuit, or do anything else essential. You should perform it during a lucky time and date, as you will have a higher success rate and luck. And such a lucky time and day varies for each individual because their time and date of birth differ. Even if two people have the same time and date of birth, their birth city and nation may differ, resulting in a difference.
If you choose a bad luck time and day to perform anything significant, you may face an unexpected roadblock. However, if you choose your fortunate time and day, things will go more smoothly and easily. When I use my bad luck time to achieve something, some unanticipated issue always arises. You may test it out and experience it for yourself to have a better idea.
I also utilize my fortunate time and date to assist me dispute a traffic ticket, which has proven to be incredibly successful and intriguing. For further information, please visit my YouTube channel. The URL is: https://youtu.be/7SyRPxM-Dsg

If you want to learn more about Practical Feng Shui concepts, please go to my YouTube channel: “Practical Feng Shui by Master Alex Zi.”
To access to Master Alex Zi Feng Shui Blog, here is the link:
You are also invited to download the “Feng Shui Tips for 2023” for free.
If you want to learn Feng Shui concepts in a systematic manner, you can purchase my ebook “Practical Feng Shui 101 (Kindle Edition)” on Amazon.
You could also take my online course at Udemy if you want to become a Fully Accredited Professional Practical Feng Shui Master. The “Accredited Professional Practical Feng Shui Master Course” had 28 professional modules under its belt. Here is the link: